A banana slicer you can't live without!

I know we all have a hard life. We've been slicing our bananas by hand for years now. Some of us have even resorted to *gasp* using a knife! Oh the horror! Fear not dear readers, the Banana Slicer model 571 has been invented!

dumb ideas

So.....my questions are: Why didn't models 1-570 work? Is it really that difficult to invent a banana slicer? Who exactly decided that banana's were so difficult to slice that they needed their own slicer? These burning questions need answered!

Here's the best part though.....this is where the item is listed for sale on Amazon: Hutzler 571 Banana Slicer. You HAVE to read the comments underneath the listing. Both the Question & Answer section and the Most Helpful Customer Reviews section. I literally have been laughing for 1/2 hour reading these things. Seriously funny stuff! Enjoy!

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