Pee standing up

It often baffles me exactly how much money and time are spent on creating, manufacturing and marketing products. I saw a booth for something called P Style at a fair recently. I guess it's not a bad idea, in fact my friends and I (who all live on wooded parcels) have often joked about figuring out a way to do this. This device is something women insert into their ummm....pants when they want to urinate standing up. The device is supposed to help women pee more discreetly then squatting, however I would think that a seeing a woman standing up and peeing would be more stare-worthy then squatting. At least you know to look away then. If I saw a woman standing and peeing I'd be more likely to stare as in "What the heck is she doing? Oh my Gawd.....never mind!"

So, anyway...I think the best part of this though was when the girl at the booth stood up and inserted it into her pants stating "it's ok, I have underwear on" lol The grandma behind me choked on her coffee, I had to turn away so as not to laugh in her face and the lady she was demonstrating for turned beet red and started stammering for her to stop.

It should be noted that the P Style with it 'squeegee type action' comes in numerous colors with several different colored and patterned cases to choose from. A wise way to spend marketing dollars of course. I would love to go on about this for you but...I'm laughing too hard!


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