It's a poop thing

As you can see, somebody actually bought this Coffee make me Poop mug. I'm not going to get into the where's and why's but it now resides in one of my cupboards. 

I'm not sure what baffles me more: the why it was bought, or the why it was created in the first place, or the why there is even a market for such things....but there it lives, behind the glasses we actually use. In the cupboard. With the door closed. There it shall stay (at least until I can 'misplace' it into the donate bin which will definitely amuse the thrift store ladies!)

This brings me to an odd subject though. Why is poop such a big subject these days? Is it because fratboy humor  has become so popular with the likes of Will Farrel making movies that appeal to this? Is it finding a wider audience then before? Or is it just that nothing is off limits now? Don't get me wrong....I do find it mildly amusing. I'm not as amused as my husband or son, but I do get a chuckle out of this stuff. I just don't get where there is a market for it. This either explains why I'm not a millionaire or why these things are always found in the discount store. Either's a SMH type of thing for sure!


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